Tomato Plants

Alston Everlasting – 65 days. Vigorous plants with high yield of smooth, blemish-free 1 oz red fruits – a “two-bite” cherry. Holds well on and off the plant; often still good three weeks after harvest!

Apple Yellow – Adorable, bright yellow tomato with incredible split tolerance, yields, and shelf-life. Plants are easy to grow, easy to harvest, and offer disease resistance for a wide range of regions, including the South. Avg. 20-25 gm fruits have great, balanced flavor- a rare find in a yellow tomato. Attractive, dimpled-bell shape. 62 days.

Amish Paste – Indeterminate, 85 days from transplant. Bright red 8-12 ounce fruits vary in shape from ox-heart to rounded plum. Delicious flesh is juicy and meaty, excellent for sauce or fresh eating. One of Slow Foods USA’s Ark of Taste varieties.

Amy’s Apricot Mix – 75 days. (Indeterminate) Delicious fruit, vigorous and productive plants! But… plants vary a lot. It tends strongly toward the intensely fruity, sweet, luscious orange spheres we originally described. Many plants bear red fruits, and a wide range of orange types are present as well, in clusters of 2-12 and sizes of ½ – 1½ in.

Arkansas Traveler – Indeterminate, 85-90 days. A medium-sized pink tomato that is smooth and a beautiful rose color. An excellent variety from Arkansas, tolerant to heat and humidity; crack and disease resistant. Good flavor.

Aunt Ruby’s German Green – Family heirloom from Ruby Arnold of Greeneville, Tennessee. Introduced to SSE in 1993 by Bill Minkey of Darien, Wisconsin. Large beefsteak fruits weigh one pound or more. Sweet juicy flesh with a hint of spiciness. Ready to harvest when soft to the touch and yellow-green in color. Indeterminate, 80-95 days from transplant.

Black Cherry – 64 days. Indeterminate. Sweet and robust. Bred in Florida by the late Vince Sapp, the round fruits are almost black in color. The flavor is dynamic-much like an heirloom.

Brandywine – Indeterminate, 80 days. The large fruits, often over 1 lb., have a deep pink skin and smooth red flesh. The medium-tall, potato-leaf plant is best staked or caged. 

Chef’s Choice Orange – Indeterminate, 80 days. The large fruits, often over 1 lb., have a deep pink skin and smooth red flesh. The medium-tall, potato-leaf plant is best staked or caged. 

Cherokee Purple – 70-75 days, Indetereminate. Famously rich flavor and texture make this a colorful favorite among heirloom enthusiasts. Medium-large, flattened globe, 8-12 oz. fruits. Relatively short vines. 

Citrine – Vigorous indeterminate plant, 60 days to maturity. Citrine is an exceptional snacker with rich, balanced flavor, a meaty bite, and resistance to the splitting and cracking common to many similar market varieties.

Cosmonaut Volkov 75 days, Semi-determinate. A smooth and attractive, medium-large red tomato that has a full, rich flavor. The productive vines yield well even in hot weather, perfect for canning or slicing. This variety is from Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine, and was named for a Russian Cosmonaut.

Dr. Walter 75 days. (Indeterminate). One of the best heirlooms for market gardeners. Medium-tall plants produce lots of delicious, low-acid, 8-oz red globes.

Druzba 75 days. (Indeterminate). Excellent juicy sweet flavor. 5 oz. fruits are borne 2-4 to a cluster. Although the fruit walls are tender, they are resistant to fruit diseases,cracking, and blossom end rot. Produces a large percentage of uniform-ripening, high-quality blemish-free fruit.

Golden Nugget An early, prolific, golden cherry tomato. 55 days, determinate.

Grand Marshall Sets fruit in heat. An excellent choice for the South for its heat-setting ability and improved TYLCV resistance. Tall determinate plants produce high yields of large, 10–14 oz., high-quality beefsteaks with a deep-oblate shape. High resistance to Alternaria stem canker, Fusarium wilt (races 1 and 2), Verticillium wilt; and intermediate resistance to gray leaf spot, and tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Determinate.

Indigo Cherry Drops 71 days. CHERRY. (indeterminate). Excellent sweet flavor; round 1″ fruits have indigo shoulders with rosy undersides and deep red flesh.

Indigo Kumquat Eye-catching beauty. High-yielding plants produce 15–20 gm. orange fruits with dark indigo-colored shoulders. Very sweet flavor with a surprising, tart kick of acidity. Compact indeterminate plant requires minimal pruning and yields well, even in unfavorable conditions. Stunning combined in mixed quarts with Indigo Cherry Drops or with other grape or cherry varieties, but unique enough to offer alone and brand by name. Harvest when background color fills in uniformly orange and fruits begin to soften. Indigo color is derived from anthocyanin, a known antioxidant.

Jersey Devil 90 days. Pendulant, pointed, pepper-like fruit is slow to set on but yield very heavily. 5-6-inch, ruby-red, paste-type fruit is very meaty and have but few seeds. Incredible flavor. This variety was another pillar of the New Jersey tomato industry, and is an ancestor to “Jersey Giant.” Jere has been growing these for 30 years and they are a favorite!

Jolly Compact Indeterminate, 65 days from transplant. Does best in got and dry conditions, as thinner skin will crack with sudden rains. Exceptional rich flavor.

Kakao Delicious brown cocktail tomato. Kakao has the brown tomato look and flavor in a smaller package. Round fruits are mostly between 4.5-5.5 oz. Soft fleshand a savory flavor, almost like it has been sea-salted. (Indeterminate).

Lemon Drop Indeterminate. 80-90 days from transplant. Winner of SSE’s 2010 Tomato Tasting. Seed originally from Florida SSE member J.T. Sessions, who found this sport growing with his Snow White Cherry plants. Heavy sets of ½-3/4” translucent yellow-green cherry tomatoes. Refreshing tart-sweet flavor. Continues producing even in cold wet growing conditions.

Lucky Tiger 70 days. (Indeterminate). Torpedo shape. As Lucky Tiger ripens, the green striping becomes more defined and the background turns red as the interior marbling develops. The overall effect when ripe is of a red tomato with prominent green striping. Excellent sweet, tart flavor.

Martha Washington Indeterminate, 80 days. These vigorous plants produce globe-shaped pink tomatoes that have the look and flavor of pink heirloom types. Wider adaptability in varied conditions

Mountain Fresh Plus The most widely-grown market tomato in the East and Midwest.Able to tolerate cool and wet conditions, this big red tomato produces attractive, 8-16 oz. slicers with good flavor. Developed by Dr. Randy Gardner at North Carolina State University. Vigorous plants provide plenty of leaf cover. High resistance to Fusarium wilt races 1–2, nematodes, and Verticillium wilt. Determinate.

Mountain Merit75 days. (Determinate). 8-10 oz., red slicer with an excellent disease package.

Mountain Princess (Determinate). Mountain sweet goodness. Perfectly round 8-10oz. fruits with crowd-pleasing mild sweet flavor. Very productive and early.

Nebraska Wedding Reliable producer of stunning 4″ round fruits with orange skin. Well-balanced flavor. Plants are typically under 36″ tall, but benefit from staking. Called the “ultimate love apple” in Amy Goldman’s colorful story in The Heirloom Tomato. Introduced by member Dorothy Beiswenger. Given to her by Betty Englert, whose ancestors brought this varity to western Nebraska in the late 1800s and was often given to newlywed family members and friends. Determinate. 85-90 days from transplant.

New Girl 65 days, Indeterminate. Fruits avg. 4–6 oz. and have better flavor and are more disease resistant than Early Girl. 

Ozark Pink 65-75 days. Indeterminate. A darling pink tomato that is more heat and disease resistant than its pretty looks and smooth flavor let on! The pink tomato is emblematic of the agricultural history of Arkansas, and Ozark Pink is a toothsome vestige of the tomato’s heyday there. Joe McFerran, who had a 50-year career in agriculture in the state of Arkansas, bred this variety and a number of other notable heirlooms at the University of Arkansas. He selected Ozark Pink to stand up to the barrage of heat, humidity and diseases known to stress tomatoes. The result: phenomenal, sweet flavor, great storage quality and very rugged constitution!

Paul Robeson 80-90 days. (Indeterminate). Dusky brick red 6-12 ounce fruits with green shoulders. Known for its smoky and earthy flavor with a good acid/sweet balance.

Principe Borghese 70-75 days. Determinate. The Italian heirloom that is famous for sun drying. Small 1-2 oz. grape-shaped fruit are very dry and have few seeds. They have a rich tomato taste that is wonderful for sauces. Determinate vines yield clusters of fruit in abundance.

Pruden’s Purple Early Brandywine type. Indeterminate, 67 days to maturity.

Roma VF 75 days, semi-determinate —’Roma VF’ has regular-leaf plants that produce plum-shaped, bright red, paste-type tomatoes. The fruit average about two ounces and have a high solids to juice ratio making them ideal for paste, sauces or puree. Adapted for the United States and Canada, it was originally introduced in 1963.Bred by the Joseph Harris Seed Company of Rochester, New York, ‘Roma VF’ has an interesting pedigree. It is a stabilized cross (open-pollinated) between the original ‘Roma’ variety and ‘California Red Top VR 9’. Where ‘Roma’ had fusarium wilt resistance, the addition of the ‘California Red Top VR 9’ to the line gives this variety its verticillium resistance.

Rose de Berne 75 days after transplanting, indeterminate. Dark rose-pink hue and well-loved heirloom flavor that is a perfect blend of sweet and tart.

Rosella Purple Similar to Cherokee Purple for great flavor and 6-10 oz. deep-purple fruits, but on shorter plants suitable for container gardening. productive 36 inch plants need some staking to keep uprightand to prevent sunscald. Fruits have few seeds.

Rutgers 75 days to maturity, Determinate. Rutgers is proven to be highly productive. The large, red fruits have a thick flesh with superior flavor. Strong determinate vines yield a large initial crop followed by several flushes of fruit. This is one of those classic tomatoes that has been used as a parent in the breeding of many other hybrids. Seldom has problems with cracking.

San Marzano 85-90 days to maturity, determinate. These teardrop-shaped, meaty, plum-type tomatoes are famous for their sweet, complex flavor that creates a fabulous pasta sauce.

Stripped German Medium-tall vines bear marbled yellow and red fruit. Indeterminate, 78 days to maturity.

Sungold 57 days Exceptionally sweet, bright tangerine-orange cherry tomatoes leave everyone begging for more. Vigorous plants start yielding early and bear right through the season. Tendency to split precludes shipping, making these an exclusively fresh-market treat. The taste can’t be beat. 15–20 gm. fruits. High resistance to Fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus. Indeterminate.

Sunpeach Indeterminate, 60 days. Vigorous, high-yielding plants. Resistance to leaf-mold and cracking. Sun Peach is sister variety to Sun Gold, but not as tangy in flavor.

Tasti Lee (determinate) The perfect balance of sweetness and acidity makes this 6-9 oz. tomato a favorite of those who love the classic red tomato.

Tropical Sunset Open-pollinated. Indeterminate, 60-70 days from transplant. Beach-party color combo consisting of orange and rosy red streaks accompany this tomato making it stand out. Fruits have a sweet flavor.